
GuitarFreaks/DrumMania (スキル帳 / 統計情報 | 曲別へ切替

スキル 全曲スキル CLASSICスキル
IEEE1394@うへむ 7554.54 118883.90 6745.32
クリア状況 : 未クリア :  クリア :  FC :  EXC :
難易度 : BSC :  ADV :  EXT :  MAS :
曲名 パート Lv 達成率 FC Skill
obsession EXT_D 7.10 84.05% 119.35
obsession MAS_D 9.00 119.35
Obsidian BSC_D 3.80 130.88
Obsidian ADV_D 6.45 130.88
Obsidian EXT_D 8.75 74.79% 130.88
Obsidian MAS_D 9.78 130.88
On top of the world BSC_D 4.80
On top of the world ADV_D 6.25
On top of the world EXT_D 8.55
ONE DAY BSC_D 3.30 137.84
ONE DAY ADV_D 4.60 137.84
ONE DAY EXT_D 6.35 137.84
ONE DAY MAS_D 7.55 91.29% 137.84
One Phrase Blues BSC_D 5.50 89.31% 140.36
One Phrase Blues ADV_D 6.65 94.40% 140.36
One Phrase Blues EXT_D 8.70 80.67% 140.36
Onion Ninja BSC_D 3.25
Onion Ninja ADV_D 4.50
Onion Ninja EXT_D 6.60
Onion Ninja MAS_D 8.40
Opus Life BSC_D 2.55 146.26
Opus Life ADV_D 5.50 146.26
Opus Life EXT_D 6.80 146.26
Opus Life MAS_D 7.95 91.99% FC 146.26
Orange Flower Garden BSC_D 1.05 130.26
Orange Flower Garden ADV_D 5.75 130.26
Orange Flower Garden EXT_D 7.20 90.46% 130.26
Orbital Velocity BSC_D 4.25 133.41
Orbital Velocity ADV_D 5.65 133.41
Orbital Velocity EXT_D 7.30 91.38% 133.41
Our Faith (Faithful MTL Remix) BSC_D 1.05 115.81
Our Faith (Faithful MTL Remix) ADV_D 4.40 115.81
Our Faith (Faithful MTL Remix) EXT_D 6.55 88.41% 115.81
Our Faith (Faithful MTL Remix) MAS_D 8.65 115.81
Ouroboros BSC_D 4.60
Ouroboros ADV_D 6.55
Ouroboros EXT_D 8.50
Ouroboros MAS_D 9.60
OVER THE LIMIT! BSC_D 3.70 132.58
OVER THE LIMIT! ADV_D 4.50 132.58
OVER THE LIMIT! EXT_D 7.30 90.81% 132.58
over there BSC_D 6.65 97.03% FC 145.26
over there ADV_D 8.00 90.79% 145.26
over there EXT_D 8.95 77.92% 145.26
over there MAS_D 9.80 145.26
over there (CLASSIC) BSC_D 6.60
over there (CLASSIC) ADV_D 7.95
over there (CLASSIC) EXT_D 9.71
overcome BSC_D 3.80 129.83
overcome ADV_D 4.35 129.83
overcome EXT_D 7.30 88.93% 129.83
overcome MAS_D 7.80 80.59% 129.83
OVERHEAT -Type GD- BSC_D 3.30 132.83
OVERHEAT -Type GD- ADV_D 5.40 132.83
OVERHEAT -Type GD- EXT_D 6.60 95.72% 132.83
OVERHEAT -Type GD- MAS_D 8.45 78.60% 132.83
overviews BSC_D 4.80
overviews ADV_D 6.40
overviews EXT_D 9.00
overviews MAS_D 9.96
pain BSC_D 2.25 150.30
pain ADV_D 4.95 150.30
pain EXT_D 6.50 95.21% 150.30
pain MAS_D 8.45 88.94% 150.30
pandora -追憶の彼方へ- BSC_D 2.20 131.25
pandora -追憶の彼方へ- ADV_D 3.60 96.89% 131.25
pandora -追憶の彼方へ- EXT_D 5.80 131.25
pandora -追憶の彼方へ- MAS_D 6.80 96.51% 131.25
Paradigm Shift BSC_D 3.00
Paradigm Shift ADV_D 5.10
Paradigm Shift EXT_D 7.60
Paradigm Shift MAS_D 9.00
Parallax BSC_D 3.60 131.80
Parallax ADV_D 5.00 131.80
Parallax EXT_D 7.10 92.82% 131.80
Parallax MAS_D 9.10 131.80
Party People BSC_D 2.95 134.25
Party People ADV_D 5.65 134.25
Party People EXT_D 7.25 92.59% 134.25
Party People MAS_D 9.00 134.25
passing shower BSC_D 3.00
passing shower ADV_D 5.60
passing shower EXT_D 7.30
passing shower MAS_D 8.90
Passion BSC_D 3.70 137.10
Passion ADV_D 5.50 137.10
Passion EXT_D 6.60 98.00% FC 137.10
Passion MAS_D 8.50 80.65% 137.10
Perfect World BSC_D 2.10 135.03
Perfect World ADV_D 6.15 93.43% 135.03
Perfect World EXT_D 8.20 82.34% 135.03
Perfect World MAS_D 9.15 135.03
photon BSC_D 3.55 138.17
photon ADV_D 6.25 138.17
photon EXT_D 8.40 77.46% 138.17
photon MAS_D 8.95 77.19% 138.17